Friday, November 20, 2009

The Official Countdown to Target Field has begun!

It is that time of year when countdowns begin... Kids Countdown Days until Christmas Vacation, Parents Countdown Days until their Kids go back to school, Companies Countdown the days left in the fiscal year... and I am counting down the days until the Target Field Grand Opening!

That is right Twins Fans, it has gotten close enough to the start of the 2010 Baseball Season to start counting down days until the Minnesota Twins start their home season at Target Field.

(drumroll, please!) There are now 143 Days until Target Field welcomes the Minnesota Twins roster into their new homes! What does this mean for Target Field Ticket sales? Every day that comes off the Target Field ticket counter, means a few more pennies that you will have to spend on Target Field Tickets. My prediction is when the Countdown hits 100 days (around the first of the year) Twins Tickets Sales will sky-rocket! If you want to avoid spending a fortune on Twins Tickets, I suggest buying soon!


B said...

Can not wait to hit the 100 day mark, I think that is when its going to be real for me that Twins Baseball is going to be outside this year!

custom paper writing services said...

I think sometimes the pass replaces the tickets, sometimes it entitles the holder to free tickets. In the latter case, typically both the pass and the ticket has to be shown at the ticket check.