My holiday shopping list looks like this:
Mom: Minnesota Twins Tickets
Dad: Twins Tickets for Target Field
Brother: MN Twins Tickets
Best Friend: Twins Tickets
Dog: Twins Tickets.... getting the picture?
The way I see, everyone who has ever even heard of the Minnesota Twins will be eager to get sneak peak at Target Field, the brand new outdoor home of the Twins. And by buying everyone on my list Twins Tickets I avoid the mall and get a gift that ends up being once for them and twice for me.My advice this Holiday Season, avoid the mall and go online... everyone loves Minnesota Twins Tickets!
LOVE this post! I hate the mall at Christmas Time... Looks like it is Twins Tickets for sure!
I have had the darndest time finding a gift for my dad! and then it hit me...duh! Twins tickets! thanks for the idea :)
fanamaniac - I got my dad Twins Tickets last year and he loved it! This year we set a smaller spending limit so I am getting him a book on Minnesota sports history so maybe I will get him Twins Tickets for fathers day!
You know through the 2010 season, the franchise has won three World Series championships (1924, 1987, and 1991), and has fielded 18 American League batting champions.
I like your articles very much.you have a quite exceptional view.
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